IHBC Scotland Branch statement on the Glasgow School of Art

Glasgow School of Art Fire

The Scotland Branch of the IHBC has over the weekend offered a formal statement on the recent fire at the Glasgow School of Art.

Dr Stuart Eydmann, Scotland Branch Convener, has written to members and colleagues as follows: ‘It was with grave concern that we learned of the tragic events unfolding at the Glasgow School of Art last Friday. On Saturday some of us visited the site and joined the many others gazing in disbelief at a water-soaked shell that once housed peerless interiors while giving thanks that the fire had been skilfully contained and that there had been no loss of life.’

‘The building will, of course, be reconstructed although this will require considerable financial resources as well as those of patience, care, respectful judgement, technical competence and impeccable attention to detail.’

‘Funding is unlikely to be problematic, although it would be most unfortunate if this challenge were to become politicised.’

‘We are confident, too, that Scotland has the professional skills and appropriate procedures required and offer every encouragement to those responsible for bringing this masterpiece back to renewed life.’

Stuart Eydmann is a graduate of The Glasgow School of Art and the author of 2014 publication The Buildings at Risk Toolkit.

The IHBC Annual School will be held in Edinburgh 5-7 June 2014 with the theme The Art of Conservation.

BBC report

There are good news reports on the GSA website

Anyone wishing to offer any kind of support or assistance can do so HERE

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The GSA ‘how to help’ link is on the IHBC’s Facebook page

ICON have been using their networks for practical help HERE

See HERE for where they are asking for any offers of practical help or donations

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